Add attachment to any video or Playlist inside your Hub
🧰 What You Will Need
Uploaded media
A Hub for your audience to access the documents
What can I use this for?
If you have any non-video content, workbooks, important links, forms or PDFs that you want to share with your audience, you can do so by adding these files as attachments to either individual Media Files or Playlists. This article will cover both attachments to Media Files and attachments to Playlists.
These attachments must be connected to a Media File or Playlist inside your account, and cannot be available independently. There is no limit on the number of attachments that you can add to a single Media File or Playlist.
The current list of accepted file formats for attachments include PDF, TXT, JPEG, JPG, PNG file formats and links. The current file size limit for file attachments is 20 MB per file.
Attachments to individual Media Files will appear below that Media File.
Attachments to a Playlist will appear on the Playlist Page adjacent to all Media Files.
Adding Attachments to Individual Media
Step 1 - Find the Media File you wish to add attachments to
Navigate to the individual Media File from the Content icon within your Hub. Click on the desired Media if it is within a playlist, then click on the three dots in the top right corner of that file.
Step 2 - Access the "Attachments" options
You can now see access Attachments, clicking on this option will allow you to upload non-video content to this specific Media File. After adding the desired attachments it will automatically save.
Adding Attachments to Playlist
Step 1 - Find the Playlist you wish to add attachments to
Navigate to the desired Playlist from the Content icon within your Hub. Click on the Playlist, then click on the Settings icon.
Step 2 - Access the "Attachments" options
You can now access Attachments, clicking this option will allow you to upload non-video content to the Playlist. After adding the desired attachments it will automatically save.
📚 Up Next
Customize the appearance of your Hub
Manually add or remove people from your Audience and Hub
- Explore ways to customize what your audience sees in your Hub