Allow coupons on your payment page

Set your "Payments" settings to allow your audience to make use of coupons or discount codes and vouchers

    🧰 What You Will Need

    Step 1 - Create your product Coupons in Stripe

    Check out this article for some technical documentation on creating coupons. 

    Product coupons

    Additionally, you can Add a promotion code to each coupon.

    Promotional codes`

    Ways to configure coupons

    Here are some of the many ways you can configure coupons to be used for your products:

    • Scope/attach coupons to specific products

    • Limit the number of redemptions for a coupon (i.e. Only valid for the first 100 people to use it)

    • Limit the range of dates in which a coupon is redeemable (e.g. Redeem by December 1st)

    • Discount a fixed amount or fixed percentage of the product

    • For recurring payments, you can specify the number of payment periods the coupon will "last" for (e.g. Get your first 6 months 50% off)

    Step 2 - Enable Coupons toggle on your Hub

    Under the Payments & Registration menu of your Hub's settings, toggle on the Coupons option. Be sure to Save this option.

    Enable coupons in P&R

    Anyone signing up for the Hub will now see an Add promotion code area on the payment page where they can enter the Coupon you've provided them.

    Promo code on checkout

    NOTE: A limitation discovered on the Stripe Customer Portal means that coupons cannot be used to generate a $0 charge with one-time products. If you are looking to give access to your paid Hub for free, you should grant access to the Hub through your Audience and not through Stripe.


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