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Connecting Hotmart with Webhooks and Zapier

Connect your Hotmart account to Membership.io through Zapier

🧰 What You Will Need

  • An account with Membership.io

  • A Zapier account

  • A Hotmart account

Step 1 - Navigate to the Hotmart Webhook Tools

Log in to your Hotmart account and then navigate to Tools > Show all.

Hotmart tools - Show All

In the "Search by tool"  box, search the keyword "webhook" and click on Webhook (API and notifications).

Search webhook and select Webhook API

Step 2 - Retrieve the Webhook URL from Zapier

In another window or tab, log into your Zapier account and create a new Zap. In the first step of the Zap, choose the Webhook option for the Trigger, and select “Catch Hook” as the Trigger event. You can also use this template to start creating your Hotmart Zap.

Configure Webhook - Catch Hook

Hit Continue twice, and copy the Custom Webhook URL in the "Test" window to your clipboard. We will use this URL in Hotmart.

Copy webhook URL to clipboard

Step 3 - Finish linking Hotmart to Zapier

Back in Hotmart, click on the “Register Webhook” button and fill out the details for your Webhook according to the action you wish to automate and connect to Membership.io.

Click Register Webhook

Below is a screenshot of a Webhook that sends data to Zapier when a customer completes an order. Choose the corresponding product and paste the Custom Webhook URL from Zapier into the “Send to URL” field. Click Save at the bottom of the form.

Complete Register Webhook and click Save`

Step 4 - Send test data to Zapier

We will want to confirm that the connection is working properly now. Click the “Run Test” button on your newly created Webhook and send test data to Zapier from Hotmart by clicking Run test on settings

Run test on settings

Back in Zapier, after we’ve sent the test from Hotmart, click “Test Trigger”. You should see some test data appear in Zapier.

Test trigger for Hotmart - Zapier

Click Continue with selected record upon successful testing.

Continue with selected record

Step 5 - Finish Building your Zap

Now that the connection is properly established, we can use the data transferred from Hotmart to take actions in Membership.io. Select "Membership.io" as the app in the next step in the Zap and choose your desired action. This data can be used to add a new user to your audience, to update an existing user with a new tag, or to remove access from a user who has canceled their subscription to Hotmart.

Choose the Membership.io action event in Zapier

If you have any questions about the trigger events in Hotmart and the actions we can take in Membership.io as a result of those triggers, feel free to contact us at help@membership.io. Our integration experts will be happy to help.