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Connect your podcast with Apple Podcasts or SoundCloud

Link a podcast to Membership.io from Apple Podcasts or SoundCloud

🧰 What You Will Need

  1. An Apple ID or SoundCloud account

  2. A podcast posting to Apple Podcasts or SoundCloud

Step 1 - Navigate to the Connection

From your Apps page, use the search icon to find and click on Podcast.

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Step 2 - Connect your Podcast

You'll then be prompted to + Add Podcast by pasting the Apple or SoundCloud URL.

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Apple Podcasts

Now you'll have to find the podcast URL of the podcast you wish to connect to Membership.io. Open the Apple Podcasts (or iTunes) app and find the podcast you want to sync. 

Search Podcast

You can also search for the podcast online by typing "<podcast name> Apple Podcasts" into your search bar where <podcast name> is the actual name of the podcast you're looking to connect.

Once you've found the podcast, click the menu button > Copy Link.

Copy Link to Podcast


This section is for linking from SoundCloud. Use the search bar to find the podcast you want to connect to and click on the podcast channel name.

Click the Podcast Link

Once you're inside the channel, you can just copy the URL at the top of the page. Make sure the format of the link looks like the following: "https://soundcloud.com/[podcastchannel]".


SoundCloud Podcast URL

Alternatively, you can click the Share button on the podcast page and copy the shareable link.

Step 3 - Add the podcast

Now that you have the URL copied, head back into Membership.io to paste it into the Podcast URL text bar and hit ✔️ Add podcast. The green check mark indicates that the podcast URL is verified.

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Membership.io will start to import all past episodes and any new ones.

Step 4 - Import Files

Since Apple and SoundCloud do not have internal folders, the audio from any of these connections will appear in a Folder automatically created in your Library.

You must click Import on any existing recordings to process them into your Membership.io account. This will create a copy of this file in your account and generate the transcription. New recordings will automatically be added to this Folder.

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