Increase your upload limit

Top up your account with some extra hours at an additional cost if you've hit your limit and still have media to upload

🧰 What You Will Need

A account

Step 1 - Head to the Subscription page

To add extra hours to your account, navigate to your Subscription settings, then click the Addons tab.

Settings - Subscription - Addon

Step 2 - Select the amount of top-up hours

From here, you can add additional upload hours to your account in 50-hour lots. Click the Add To Subscription button beside the 50 Additional Hours addon to select the amount(s) to add to your account.

Add 50 hours to subscription

In this example, we've selected two, for 100 hours total.

NOTE: The price for top-up hours will vary depending on your current subscription plan and will be displayed accordingly on the add-ons page. Top-up hours are a recurring cost, invoiced alongside your subscription fee on your billing date.

Once you have selected the desired order quantity click Confirm Subscription, the hours will be available on your account.

Happy uploading! 😎


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