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  2. Hubs
  3. Attributes and the Audience Directory

Set up your Member Directory

Enable the Member Directory page in your Hub to allow your audience members to filter through Attributes

🧰 What You Will Need

  1. A Searchie Grow plan or higher

  2. Audience Attributes

Step 1 - Create Attributes

Your Member Directory will allow you and your audience members to filter through Audience Attributes. Please make sure to create your Audience Attributes first before moving on to set up your Member Directory.

Step 2 - Enable your Audience Directory

From your Hub Editor, click Pages. Then, under Default pages, click Member Directory. This brings up the option to enable the directory page in your Hub. Click the toggle button to set it to "Enabled" and hit Save Changes.

Enable Member Directory

Step 3 - Add your Attributes to your Hub

Back in your Hub's Dashboard, click 🛠 Customize to open your Hub Editor. Then, inside your Hub Editor, click on the 👤 Attributes tab.

Click + Add Attribute to import the Audience Attribute(s) you have created.

Import or Add new audience attributes
Select one or more Attributes you'd like to import into your Hub. Once you're happy with your selection, click ✔️ Confirm to save your changes.

Step 4 - Configure your Attribute filters

Now that your Attributes are connected to your Hub, we want to configure your Attribute filters to make sure these Attributes appear in your Member Directory. Click the desired Attribute to access the filter options.

Configure attribute filters

Step 5 - Configure your Directory

Select Member Directory from your Hub page drop-down to configure your directory.

Click on Member List to change the label on your Directory.

Configure Member list

Under Title, you can type in what you'd like your Directory to say at the top.

You can also toggle Show Last Seen date or Show Activity on Profile on or off.

Be sure to Save Changes once you're happy with your edits.

Edit Member List elements

Step 6 - Link to the Directory in your Hub

With your Directory set up, the only thing left to do is share the link! Select Member Directory from the top menu in your Hub and hover over the preview link for the option to copy the link to your Directory page.

Share link to Directory

Share this link inside a Hub section, in an email, or anywhere else as needed! 🎊