Set up your Stripe account

Create a Stripe account in order to use Searchie Payments and automatically collect fees from people looking to access your Hub


🧰 What You Will Need

  1. An email

  2. A bank account

Step 1 - Activate your Stripe account

After registering for a Stripe account, activate your Stripe account profile through this page. For more information on how to activate your Stripe account, see this Stripe support article about managing your account.

Step 2 - Add your bank details for payouts

If you didn't already do this in Step 1, add and verify your bank account details inside of your Stripe profile. This will allow you to collect and receive payments from your members. See this Stripe article for more information on how to add your bank details.

Step 3 - Create your Products and Prices

Now that your account is set up, you’ll want to set up what you want to sell by creating your Products inside of Stripe. Stripe Products represent the offering that you’re selling, like a course or membership. Stripe Prices are the various payment options available under specific Products, like a monthly or annual plan. For more information, see Stripe’s Prices Guide.

Step 4 - Set up Customer Portal

The customer portal is a secure, Stripe-hosted page that lets your customers manage their subscriptions and billing details. Setting up your Customer Portal allows you to capture the information you need from your audience and give them the confidence and control they need to manage their subscriptions themselves, without your input. Learn more about how to set up the Customer Portal here.

Step 5 - A quick recap and next steps

Now that you’ve followed all of the above steps, you're ready to add your shopping cart details to your Searchie account. Visit this article to learn about how to set up your Payment page inside of Searchie.


View all Stripe documentation here.