Use Sections to build your Hub

Pick and customize Sections to deliver your content in your Hub

🧰 What You Will Need

A Membership Hub (Start plan or higher)

What can I use this for?

Sections are used to package and customize the content that you add to your Membership Hub. You can populate your Hub page with any of the Section types below.

Content: Create sections quickly using your content and predefined layouts. 

Add sections

To add a new Section, head to your Hub Editor and select the page where you want to add your Section. From here, you can find âž•Add Section.

Pages - Add Section


The Feature layout lets you highlight a Playlist, File, Page, URL, or allow the Audience to continue from where they left off in the last viewed file ("Continue Watching").

New Setion - Feature

Here's a sample Feature layout:

Example - Feature Section

TIP: Click the âž• button on the edge of the section to create another section below it quickly!


The Scroll layout allows for displaying your content in a single continuous horizontal flow. You can select between Playlist, Custom Cards and Recently Watched media scroll types and showcase them in a horizontal scroll.

New Section - Scroll

In the image below, if you select Custom Cards, you'll have to click + Add Card and select your card type from the available options.

Select Card Type

Here's what a Scroll-type layout might look like once set up: 

Example - Scroll Section


The Grid layout enables the organization of content in rows and columns. Similar to the Scroll-type section, you can choose from Playlist, Custom Cards, or Recently Watched Media.

New Section - Grid

Feel free to play around with the features to suit your design needs!

This is what the Gird layout looks like when configured: 

Example - Grid


The Search layout allows your audience to search through one or more Playlists.

Each Hub automatically comes with a search bar in the Header, but this feature allows you to provide your audience with an even more granular way of filtering through the content in your Hub.

New Section - Search

Edit the Header and Description fields to change what your audience sees when they want to search through your content. 

Edit Search Elements


Here's an example of a configured Search box in the front end:

Example - Search - Front End


The Carousel layout combines the Scroll's functionality with the Feature layout's appearance. Clicking + Add Slide allows you to select any combination of Media Files, Playlists, Hub Pages, or URLs and showcase them in a horizontal scroll.

New Section - Carousel

Select Carousel Slide Type

NOTE: Click on the + sign to the left or right of the slide to add more. You can edit each slide according to your requirements.

Once you're done with the configuration, you'll see something like this: 

Example - Carousel


NOTE: You can design your sections further by adding individual elements in a custom layout. 🙂