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What payment platforms does Membership.io integrate with?


Membership.io has a direct integration with Stripe. You can use our Stripe integration to automatically grant Hub access to anyone who purchases your products.

🔗 Check out our Stripe article section for more information on how to set up a Stripe integration with your Hub.


If you're using Kit, you can also pass purchase information to grant Hub access as well. Membership.io has built-in Kit automations that you can use to add someone to a Hub once they are added to a specific list (or get a specific tag) inside of Kit.

🔗 Check out our article about our Kit integration for instructions on how to connect your automation.

External carts

If you're using a cart other than Stripe and Kit, chances are you can still integrate your cart with Membership using Zapier. Zapier allows you to automatically pass audience information (usually name and email) from one platform to another. In this case, you'll use your external cart for the Zap trigger and Membership.io for the Zap action. 

🔗 Check out our guide on connecting external carts with Membership.io through Zapier.