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Control transcript, audio, and video downloads

Use these download options to save Searchie media files to your computer

Control transcript, audio, and video downloads Use these download options to save Searchie media files to your computer. Will

The transcript files are only available to Pro or higher subscribers. The following transcription formats are available for download:

  • Text files, ".txt" (this file time does not include time stamps)

  • Comma-separated values files, ".csv"

  • SRT files for captions, ".srt"

The video download option will provide an .mp4 file and the audio download option will provide an .mp3 file. Both of these downloads are available to all subscribers, regardless of plan.

Click on the three dots on the right side of the file you wish to download a file from. Now click the Download button in the dropdown and select the type of file you wish to download to your computer.

You can also download the transcript files from the Transcript Editor if you're in there making some edits.



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1. Play your videos in highest quality 

2. Customize your Player settings