Cancel your subscription

A step-by-step guide to cancelling your subscription

We'd be sorry to see you leave, but we get that every online business follows its path. Before you decide to cancel your subscription, we’d love for you to take a look at these references: 

Still want to cancel? Please follow the instructions below.

Step 1 - Access the subscription settings

Click here to go to your Subscription settings directly, or access it by going to your Profile > Settings > Subscription.

Step 2 - Cancel your subscription

Under Overview, click the Cancel Subscription button.

Click cancel subscription


Select one of the listed reasons for canceling and feel free to leave a review or comment. We truly value your feedback!

Select subscription reason

Once you have chosen a reason, click the Cancel Subscription button again. Next, ✔️ check the boxes to indicate that you understand the cancellation terms.


Finally, click Cancel Subscription.

Acknowledge before canceling


Remember, the door is always open. You can reactivate your account anytime! 😎