Design Custom Layouts in your Hub

Combine various site elements (text, image, video, and more) when customizing page sections within your Hub


🧰 What You Will Need

A Searchie Hub (Start plan or higher)

Understand Custom Layouts

You can use Custom Layouts and design your own sections in the hub. It allows you to mix and match elements such as images, videos, buttons, texts, etc. The possibilities are limitless!

Add Element

Step 1 - Add a new section

Navigate to your Hub Editor and select the custom page where you want to add a layout section.

Select Hub Page

Locate and click on the + Add Section button.

Add Section

Step 2 - Design your custom layout

Select between Columns and Sidebars and pick a custom layout.

Select Custom Layout

Select Custom Layout (1)

Pick a column from the panel to open the settings. 

Select Column

Click + Add Element to start adding design elements from the list. 

Add Elements

You can add flare to your design using the styling option! Explore a variety of styles to elevate your layout, including the following:

  • Margin Top (px) - Adjust the space between the referenced top and the design element.
  • Alignment - Position texts or elements along the horizontal axis, such as left-aligned, center-aligned, or right-aligned.
  • Width - Adjust the size of the element from side to side.
  • [Advanced] Device Visibility - Choose which device you want the section to appear: on Mobile, Desktop, or both.


Certain styles are unique to the type of element used (e.g. custom button appearance) therefore, they may or may not be present for each.

Custom Layouts Use Cases

Stack Videos, Images, and Buttons

Pick a custom color as your section's background or upload images with matching backgrounds for a seamless, layered look. Add a thumbnail to a media file to blend your video with the rest of the section.

Custom Color

Text Sections

Use the Custom Layouts for your blog or large blocks of text. Create one Column and mix Headlines, Subheadlines, and Text Elements for text across your whole Hub page.

Text Elements

You can also change the style of specific text inside the paragraph elements without creating a Headline or Subheadline elements inside the Layout sections.

Button Columns

Organize important links (such as to your Hub pages) using four Columns containing one button each. You can think of the example below as a navigation bar on a website.


Combine Videos with Text

Use multiple layout sections and a consistent background color to blend your content and highlight specific aspects.

Video + Text


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