Managing bulk actions

Efficiently manage bulk actions for adding or updating tags, Hub access, and even sending/resending welcome emails to a hundred Audiences or more

🧰 What You Will Need

  • A CSV file with at least an email column

  • A account

  • A Hub

What can I use this for?

This article guides you on how to perform bulk actions when you're adding a huge number of new audience members or updating actions for select existing members at once. 

Uploading your CSV file

You can check the instructions here for uploading your CSV file. If you want to perform bulk actions on select audience members, you'll have to segment and export them.

NOTE: You don't have to do this if you want to manage bulk actions for ALL your audience members. On your Audience page, you just need to select all of them and click Edit

Perform bulk actions for all audience

This will open the bulk actions menu items where you can change the settings for Hub access, tags, and achievements.

Performing bulk actions on uploaded CSV file

Once you've selected your CSV file, there will be a three-step process you need to complete the upload and apply bulk actions. 

Step 1 - Bulk actions

Organize your import by adding tags, giving access to your hub and sending an email notification.

  • Add Audience Tags: Choose existing audience tags or add new ones.

  • Give Access: Give/Update access to one or more Hubs.

  • Send email notification: Send or re-send the welcome email to the audience members on the file.

Step 2 - Select fields to import

Select the fields to import from the CSV file. Matching the supported fields with the columns in your CSV file will make it easier to add new audience and update existing ones.

Step 3 - Review and Complete your Import

Take a look at the details you’ve set up for your audience list and make changes as needed.

Review and complete your import settings

When you're all set and happy with the settings, just click the ✔️ Complete Import button

That's it! you've just learned to perform bulk actions efficiently for a large number of Audience members. 😎


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