Add, customize, and manage content playlists in your Hub

Use the Hub Content tab to add, customize, and manage your content using Playlists

🧰 What You Will Need

What can I use this for?

Inside your Hub Editor, your Hub content displays your Hub's media in one easy-to-navigate space.

You can use the Hub Content editor to upload new audio and video content, create and customize Hub-only playlists, import existing Library playlists, and optionally add attachments when building your Hub pages.

Step 1 - Access your Hub editor

You can get to the Hub Editor from the Hubs page by clicking the Customize icon on the Hub.

Click Customize Hub


From your Hub's Dashboard, click Customize.

Hub Customize Options

Step 2 - Open your Hub's "Content" tab

From your Hub's navigation bar, click Content to open the Content menu.

Go to Content tab

This section displays all existing Playlists and their file counts.

Step 3 - Add your content

Click the (+) button to add content to your Hub. You can create a new playlist or import an existing one from our Library.

Click Add Content

Create Hub playlist(s)

Enter a title and a description for your playlist. Then, click the Add Content button and choose from the following:

  • Upload content from your local device directly to your Library folder for your Hub Playlist.

  • Pull existing content from one or more folders in your Library to add to your Hub Playlist. 

  • Record content using the Chrome Extension and import the recordings into your Hub Playlist from the Library folder where they're saved.

Choose your preferred option and follow the guide to add your content to your Playlist.

Import from Library

Please select a Library playlist to add to the Hub Playlist.

Integrate an existing Library playlist

NOTE: Once a playlist has been imported to a Hub, any changes made to that playlist in the Hub will not affect the playlist in the Library, and vice versa. You can get more information about that in this article.

Step 4 - Customize your Hub Playlist

Click on a Playlist to open your Playlist editor, where you can update information, settings, and more!

GIF - Customize your Hub Content Playlist


You will find additional options available when you click on each media file. Feel free to use these according to your preference!

Media file options

Step 5 - Add your Playlist to a section

Share your Hub Content with your Hub audience by adding your Playlist(s) to your Hub. This will allow them to locate your Playlist on a specific page in your Hub.

Head into the Pages tab of your Hub Editor to select the page to which you want to add your Hub Content. Select the appropriate Section for your Hub Content by clicking + Add Section.

Course Module - Add Section


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